Welcome to Bill & Terri's Blog

This is our family:
Sterling & Amber Rasmussen, Terri & Bill Biggs
Mandi & Courtnee Biggs.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The "bank robbery & shoot out" in Oatman.

During the shoot out a couple of burrows just walked right in front of the activity - the show came to a halt for just a moment to let them saunter over to the tourists for some carrots.

Some of the burrows weren't getting all the carrots they wanted, so they decided to try and get into one of the shops and get their own.

This little guy fed off from a couple of the other mother burrows - he wasn't choosy.

Grandpa really liked these little guys and they liked him quite a bit as well. The young ones had stickers on their foreheads that said "Don't Feed Me" because they don't do well swallowing and can sometimes choke.

So Bill - was this one playing dead or just plain "dead tired". Nice shadow there Mandi...:-)

Another tired little one.

Me and my sis watching the burrows.

Here we are - it's family picure time
Terri, Bill, Judy, Lew and Grandpa.

Mandi & Aunt Judy

Bill, Grandpa & Lew

Terri, Judy & Grandpa

The Three Amigo-ettes - Terri, Judy & Mandi

Lew and Judy

And just one more for good luck!! (Is that a look of surprise, shock or am I s-c-k-e-r-t!!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

we are all soooo cute!!